#24: The Importance of Healing Your Money Mindset with Alejandra Rojas

On this episode of the A Nourishing Place Podcast, Alejandra Rojas, a Finance Professional, Coach, and Money Mindset Expert joins me as we dive into the topic of healing our money mindset! Alejandra helps entrepreneurs to become the most profitable version of themselves using her highly effective R.I.CH and M.E.S.S. methods. She tells us about both of these methods on this episode and about the subconscious reprogramming involved.

We chat about trauma informed financial success, Rapid Resolution Therapy, Hypnosis, the power of pricing, limited money beliefs & trauma, women entrepreneurs and more! Alejandra also gives a piece of advice for new business owners to move forward with. Let's talk about money! It does not need to be taboo or hidden. As we heal our money mindset, we heal multiple areas of our lives. 

Join myself and money mindset expert, Alejandra for a fun conversation about money!

Alejandra also shares tons of golden nuggets on her podcast – "Dear Lack, Let's Break Up"

Connect with her further - Download for free: www.themoneymindsethub.com/money

Links: www.themoneymindsethub.com/sps

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/moneymindsetexpert/

