#18: Living Your Best Happy with Tanya Rose

What is living your best happy? Tanya Rose, of Living Your Best Happy, and I talk about the power of gratitude, being the main character of your own life, rewriting your story and learning how to live your best happy. We have a fun, light-hearted conversation about the power of play, faith, trust and bringing joy to the darker moments we all experience sometimes. 

Tanya Rose is here to help you live your best happy.   Through self mastery, she helps you understand, love and accept yourself and your desires.    Through manifestation, she helps you design and live in your happy place aka ideal life.    Through productivity, she helps you manage your time and tasks in order to have time for things that bring you joy.    All to increase your confidence and get you living your best happy!   loveyourbesthappy.com  Instagram.com/tanyarosecoach YouTube.com/@tanyarosecoach   You can find me   

