Meet Kelly J. Newton

The Earth and Spirit Witch 

Ritual Queen, That Friendly Witch Next Door, Expansive Energy Guide, Witch Wound Healer

Loves the Sun, the Moon, luxury journals, travel fun, Rose Quartz, drinking tea, easy hiking, Oregon beaches, upscale incense, hot baths, supporting other witches & women in reclaiming their power. 

Gemini Sun, Leo Moon, Leo Rising

1/3 Sacral Generator



I am obsessed with

helping you reclaim your full power, connect with your intuition, love yourself on profoundly deep levels and heal the witch wound. So that you can experience the full joy, magick, full bodied, expansive human experience meant for you. 


I want you to know that

I already believe you are enough. I already know you are worthy. You have everything inside of you and I support you in remembering. I support you in waking up to who you truly are. Which is a magickal AF being!! 



So just how did I become The Earth and Spirit Witch. . . 

Born June of 1988, just kidding. That is a little too far back. 

Like most healing journeys, mine kicked off when things got bad enough for me to decide it was time to make a change. For me this showed up when I was 20 years old and in the form of a health crisis. (I was carrying a lot of childhood wounds and I did not even know it). For years after this, I looked outside of myself, trying to find something to fix me, to take my pain away, trying to be perfect. I did not know that I was already whole, I could embrace my pain and that didn't mean I was stuck with it, or that I could release the perfectionism that plagued me. 

And then in 2019 I met a very special energy healer. Prior to meeting her, my emotions, intrusive thoughts, and anger often got the best of me. And when my nephews moved in later in 2019, more and more wounds kept surfacing. I knew something had to change. 

This energy healer went on to become my coach. With her support clearing old wounds, building confidence, cutting cords, reframing and more, I was able to dive deeper and deeper within myself. 

In 2021, I enrolled the Manifestation Babe Academy (becoming a peer mentor for this same program in 2022 and 2023). Shortly after the program ended, I started my spiritual business, though it had a different name at the time - A Nourishing Place. (you may notice that is the name of my podcast) Following this were a number of experiences with my ritual mentor, spiritual workshops, first hand experiences, learning how to connect with my spirit guides, women's circles, retreats, Reiki 1 & 2, past life regressions and some pretty intense life experiences that ultimately forced me to do even more internal work (and connected me deeper to spirit). 

Would you believe that I practiced ritual before I reclaimed witch. Small at first and then I jumped into a  special eclipse ritual container in 2022, still afraid to use the word witch. . . and just 2 months later, I was handed the book Witch, by Lisa Lister. 

And that changed everything!

I could no longer hide the fact that I was a witch from myself. I had to reclaim. I had to dive deeper and deeper, making witch my own. No longer keen to simply share inspirational posts, I started to share my knowledge about witchdom, healing the witch wound and reclaiming your power. I started to lead ritual containers, supporting women in releasing the witch wound. My clients have expanded their own practices, reconnected with past versions of themselves and healed past wounds. 

The Universe has a way of bringing us the people, experiences, ideas, or in this case book that we need, at the right time.